Thursday, July 25, 2013

Jacob- 1 Month!

Our sweet boy is one month old already! Seems like yesterday we were coming home from the hospital. He is a great baby. He is usually content and very consolable when he cries. We are usually up every 3 hours at night to feed, but last night he went 4 hours and was only up twice :) Let's hope that continues! He weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and was 21.5" long... 40cm head circumference which is in the 90%! Go figure :)

Claire is also doing great! She is adjusting well... give baby kisses all the time! She has only tried to smack him a couple of times... so far. She is still very busy and always is getting into something. 2 nights ago I had my first minor crisis... Ben is back to work so I'm on my own. Jake was pretty fussy (which is rare) so I gave him a little gripe water and was nursing him. He started to calm down... just as Claire pinched her finger in the pantry. I jumped up and put him down real quick (started screaming immediately) and went and grabbed her. Her diaper was leaking... so I went and changed her real fast since Jake was screaming pretty hard. I just put her diaper on and left the onesie off. I grabbed him and resumed nursing. All was well.... until I turned around and Claire was standing there butt-naked waving her diaper in the air while dancing to whatever commercial was on TV. Good times!!!

Jacob 1 Month

My little loves :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Welcome Jacob Lincoln!

Our sweet baby boy finally decided to make his appearance on June 25th :)

I had an ultrasound and doc appointment on Monday June 24th, and all looked good. I was dilated to a 2-3 and was 80% effaced. We decided to induce on Friday if he hadn't come yet. Well, on Tuesday I took Claire for a stroller ride out back, and on our way back up to the house I had a couple of light contractions. I told Ben, and he asked if he had time to go get a load of dirt from my parents' house. I said oh yeah you definitely have time. That was at about 6:00... and from then on, contractions were every 5 minutes apart. They weren't really painful yet, but they were close together right off the bat. His mom and grandma were on their way up here already, so that worked out good for them to watch Claire. Ben got back, I jumped in the shower real quick... and we were ready to go! As we were headed out, I said that I wasn't sure if we should go so soon because they weren't that painful yet... and Ben's mom said I should go because they were so close.

On our way in, we stopped at BK... I was starving and knew I couldn't eat once I got to Munson. I just had a side of fries and shared a strawberry shake with Ben. We got to the hospital at 8:00 and got right into Triage. I was at a 4 already! They admitted me and got me into my room at 9:00. The Tigers were on and Ben and I were joking about if I could have the baby by the time the game was over (I think it was in the 3rd or 4th inning). When I got to the room and the doc came in, I was at a 6! Wow... Contractions were getting intense. The doc asked if I wanted an epidural... I told him that I was going to wait it out a bit longer. He said I should decide soon. I was still managing. Shortly after (probably about 10:00), I hit transition and was at a 7-8. WOW. I got the shakes bad and felt like I was going to puke fries and strawberry shake. I said, "OK, I want the epidural!!!" So the nurse ordered it and started an IV (Took 4 tries to hit a vein...). Doc came in a bit later and said I was at a 9-10 and by the time the epidural took effect, he would probably be here already. So... no pain meds for me!

At 11:05, we got to meet our precious baby boy! Jacob Lincoln weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz and was 20.5" long... and PERFECT.

I was shocked at how much faster he came versus Claire. 5 hours of labor vs. 21... The second one definitely comes faster! My recovery was better in all aspects, except for the after-pains which I did not really know about... They started on day 4 and lasted 3-4 days. I got these 15-30 minute cramps that were quite painful... I had to lay down with a heating pad for a couple of them because I could barely move. Thankfully those are over! Jacob is a great nurser and has quite an appetite! Nighttime sleep has been rough, but the past 2 nights have been much better. He has went 3.5-4 hours between nighttime feedings :) Let's hope he keeps that up!

We are so blessed.... Our little family of 4 is doing so great. Claire is adjusting well and loves giving baby kisses! God sure has blessed our family!!!

Jacob 10 days old