Wednesday, December 28, 2011

29 Weeks... It's official-It's a GIRL!

We just got home from our ultrasound/doctors appointment and we're now officially making it public-


...and we couldn't be happier :) Even more happy about the fact that the tiny cysts they found on her brain in the last ultrasound are completely gone! Our doctor assured us last time that they are somewhat common and they should go away soon, and it was very reassuring to see today that they are in fact gone. They estimated her around 3 lbs 6 oz which is in the 64th percentile for size right now. The doctor told us that everything is perfect with our baby, and we couldn't have been happier with the good news! :)

Ultrasound Pics-

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 28... Hello Third Trimester!

It's hard to believe that today is the first day of our third trimester! 12 weeks til I'm due, and 9 weeks til I'm full term... crazy! Our baby is now close to 15 inches long and weighs about 2.25 lbs. She can now blink and possibly sense light that filters through... how cool :)

I've been feeling really great. I sleep a lot, but that's expected... I hear the question, "How are you feeling?" about 10 times a day :) It doesn't bother me though, just shows that people care! No crazy food cravings or aversions. I could eat junk food all day, but hey who couldn't? I've been pretty good about limiting myself.

Another question I've been getting is, "what about work?" Well... My plan is to work up until I go into labor. Once I have her, I'll go on leave and be off until fall when sports start back up. I'll get paid leave for about 10 weeks of that time which is really nice. I do plan on returning to my position in mid-August. I of course think about how nice it would be to just stay at home and let Ben work (he makes good money and we'd be fine with just him working)... but right now, we could use the extra income as we try to save up to start an addition in a year or 2. And I hear that babies aren't cheap.... getting gifts from showers is going to help a TON, but expenses will surely be there. Plus, if I stopped working, then he would have to start working more often which means he is away from home more. I think it's important for both of us to contribute to family income, especially if it's do-able. I have been working and providing since I was 16, and I have been in my current position for 5 years now. Ben usually takes his lay-off sometime in September when work slows down for them, so there won't be much of an overlap when we are both working. Maybe once kid #2 comes around, then I'll think differently... but as of now, those are my thoughts.

Fun story from this morning (actually not so fun)... Ben went back to work really early this morning just for this week, and sure enough, my car won't start. I called my Mom and she came over with this giant batter charger... we had a wonderful time trying to figure out how to hook everything up. She was on the phone with my Dad, and said, "just clip it and it will ark??" She must have mis-heard him and meant spark... because she touched the black one to a piece of metal and huge sparks flew everywhere... I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. We finally got my car started and both of us got to work about 30 minutes late. I'm so thankful for her :)

28 Weeks

Monday, December 12, 2011

27 Weeks

27 weeks... really?! Today is December 12th, and I am due in exactly 3 months from today. Wowza. Still feeling pretty great. A little bit of back pain once in awhile, but it's not that bad. I've been sleeping pretty well too (except Friday night when we stayed in Ben's old room in Harrison and it was 90 degrees... had to relocate to the couch).

Set a couple of shower dates. Saturday Jan 21st for Ben's side and Sunday Feb 5th for our side. My friends want to throw me one too :) So excited. We got our crib after quite the ordeal with Walmart (they gave us someone else's changing table instead of our crib, and no one there could figure it out) and Ben started setting it up... and there was a wrong part, so the manufacturer is sending us a new one. Glad we got that early! We also got our high-chair from Ben's aunt off our registry... so cute!

Christmas is in less than 2 weeks!!! Thankfully we have most of our shopping done. We went to Jay's on Saturday and got a lot of it. The 40% family discount is wonderful . Sunday at Church was the kid's Christmas program... amazing. Those kids are so talented and did a fantastic job singing and sharing the Word of God.
I look forward to our little ones being up there some day :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

26 Weeks

Baby Yost is now about 14 inches long and almost 2 pounds. Kind of hard to believe that fits inside me! I mean, I'm growing for sure, but I'm definitely not huge yet. I guess she has a good 5 or 6-ish lbs yet to put on before the big day comes. Still feeling pretty great- nothing much has changed. I've had some back pain, but nothing too bad. I just have to re-position myself several times at night to get comfortable.

It's hard to believe it is December already. 3 months away from a big change in our lives! We have the crib on the way soon and we can start putting the nursery together :) So very exciting!

My goal this week: eat healthy!

Me @ 26 Weeks