Saturday, May 25, 2013

36 Weeks

Less than a month left!! Baby boy is growing and doing great. Mamma has had a rough couple of weeks, but hanging in there... A couple weeks ago, I had to have by toenail on my big left toe removed due to a lingering infection that just wouldn't go away :( Not so fun. Went to my primary doc first, and she sent me to a specialist... who pretty much told me immediately that it would need to be removed. So he put 5 numbing shots in it (which were awful) and then started working on it to take it off... and then it got super painful when he got near the infection, so he put in 2 more shots, then took it right off. I was instructed to soak it in epsom salt then pour hydrogen peroxide on it and cover with band-aid and Neosporin... well, I definitely was not able to handle the soaks or peroxide for a couple days. Ouch. It is better now, and my check-up went great and the infection is gone.... phew. So, this past Wednesday I woke up and my back was not in good shape. I think I may have slept on it wrong... I had a doc appt that day and he said to take Tylenol and use a heating pad. Well, that didn't help much and my back was worse on Thursday. I could BARELY WALK. Each step was excruciating. When I was sitting or laying down still, I was fine. I think I pinched my sciatic nerve. Yesterday was really bad too... and I had to walk into Munson for my Materinity Stay Appointment and barely made it. Went to my great friend Stacey's house last night (she's a PT) and she worked on it for me and did some adjusting. She put tape on it too to try to straighten things out. Still gimping around quite a bit today.... but the pain isn't shooting down my leg like it was before. Trying to rest and stay off my feet as much as possible. I still have 4 weeks left and have quite a bit of training to do with my replacement, so I have to get better!!

Claire is doing so great. Talking more and more, and doing a little bit of signing too :) She knows "more" and does it when she's eating. She helped her Daddy mow the lawn this morning and is out shopping with him right now so I can rest. She is still taking 2 1.5-2 hour naps a day and sleeping 10-12 hours at night. Can't complain one bit! She just starting kissing my belly... it's the cutest thing. Love that little girl so much. So excited to add a baby brother to the family!

36 Weeks

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

34 Weeks

Only 6ish weeks left!!! This pregnancy is flying by.

We had another ultrasound on Friday to re-check Baby Boy's kidney... the one side is still slightly enlarged. They are functioning properly, so that is great news. Doc said this usually goes away on it's own, but it's something our pediatrician will have to monitor when he is born. I have faith that the Lord will take care of it! All else with Baby Boy is perfect :) His weight was estimated about 5 lbs 6 oz which is right on track. It was pretty funny.... he kept grabbing his boy parts during the ultrasound. Such a boy :) Also, looks like he's going to have some chubby cheeks! Can't wait to meet this boy!

Claire is doing great. She is really developing her personality lately! Her vocabulary is growing as well... she says mama, dada, baba, bye bye, hi, all done, BUCK (so funny, she points to the buck on the wall), and she even tries to say Haley.... and she tries to repeat things I say. She also tries to brush her hair when I hand her a brush, and she's getting more helpful when it's time to change clothes. One of her new favorite things to do is fling food off her tray and onto the floor after I cut up small pieces for her... which is always fun. She's growing so fast! I have so much love for her, it's hard to put into words. She is such a blessing.

Ben is still working hard down in GR all week, and weekends sometimes. Last week he worked every day, and came home Sunday evening. Long hours for him... but we're managing. He'll take a couple weeks off when Baby Boy gets here. I had to get my big toenail ripped off last week due to a lingering infection around the nail that just wouldn't go away.... no idea how it got there. That was painful. Hope I never have to go through that again!

Had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Could have done without the snow, though. Serously... snow on May 11th and May 12th. Ridiculous. Ben's birthday was May 12th. We didn't do anything too special, but I got him some new jeans and made him a blueberry cheesecake :)

Counting down the weeks!!!

32 Weeks

34 Weeks

Baby Boy @ 34 Weeks