Saturday, June 22, 2013

40 Weeks!!!

The due date has officially arrived! I'm actually writing this one day late :) Feeling pretty good! The sciatica is gone, so I am much more comfortable. Just the normal back pain when I sleep, which is tolerable. I've been having on and off contractions, but nothing major. We were really hoping to have him by this weekend so our Pastor (who was re-assigned) could dedicate him before he left... but it doesn't look like that will happen. Hopefully we get to make it to church tomorrow! Keeping this one short... come on baby boy, we are so ready for you!!!
40 Weeks

Friday, June 7, 2013

38 Weeks... Full Term!!!

Officially full term with Baby Boy!!! I am ready...

Still having back issues, but not quite as bad as last week. After my doc appt, they referred me to see a physical therapist. I just happen to know a great one, Stacey Walton :) so I got ahold of her and got things set up. She's been over 3 times to do exercises and stretches with me. I think he's been dropping, and thankfully coming off of my sciatic nerve. I'm still being very careful walking since my right side is still pretty bad. Waddling/limping around... but not as bad as before. Last week, I had many strangers run up to me asking if I needed help!

Ben's grandma came up this week to help me out with Claire. I'm not supposed to be lifting her... it has been really nice having her here to help! Plus I get to sleep an extra 30 minutes in the mornings :) I only have 1/2 day of work Monday and Tuesday, then I'm done... wow. Bittersweet. I don't know if I'll be coming back after my 1-year leave or not. I love this place and working here, but I have to do what's best for our family. We'll make that decision when the time comes!

Any time now, baby boy!