Wednesday, January 30, 2013

20 Weeks!

I am now 20 weeks along with baby #2! Still feeling great. I've gained about 12 lbs so far, which is the same as where I was with Claire. I feel like my belly is popping out faster, which is expected. I have been feeling quite a bit of movement! I guess my only complaint is that I have to go to the bathroom 1-2 times during the night... but that is also expected. Our gender ultrasound is going to be Feb 13. 2 of my best friends who are also pregnant and due around the same time as me are scheduled for the 13th and 14th, how cool is that :)

Work is going well. We've had a ton of snow days lately... 4 in the past 2 weeks! It has been so great to stay home with Ben and Claire. It allows Ben to go work in his shed or get out and do some fishing, and I get to spend extra quality time with my little girl :) She is officially walking all over now! She truly amazes me. Her First Birthday is coming up... time to start party planning!

I absolutely love our little family... so incredibly blessed!!!

20 Weeks Baby #2!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Claire:10 Months/18 weeks with #2!

It's hard to believe that Claire is just 2 months away from her first Birthday! It is SO true that they grow so fast. About a week ago, she started taking her first steps :) She has taken 5 steps a couple of times now... she is well on her way to becoming a walker! As I've mentioned before, she is extremely active and doesn't sit still very often. Diaper and clothes changes are quite a challenge. I usually have to chase her around her room to try to button her PJs.... She sure keeps me busy!

She is still eating great! She gets 3 meals a day plus formula in between. Last night, Ben made some juice with the power juicer... apples, oranges, pineapple, carrots, tomatoes, and celery... we poured a little bit into her sippy cup. She drank it all... but later that night she was super upset :( I think it may have been too much citrus for her and gave her an upset tummy. I felt terrible. I was up pretty late holding her and walking around... she eventually calmed down enough for me to put her to bed. She cried for awhile, and then fell asleep and slept most of the night. Poor girl... momma won't be doing that again anytime soon.

She still has just the 2 teeth that I can see. I'm guessing we'll be seeing more soon. Her very blonde hair is thickening up, and sometimes is quite wild when she wakes up :) I try putting headbands on her sometimes, but she just takes them off within seconds. Maybe someday!

Her first Christmas was wonderful. We spent lots of time with our families, and Claire had a ball. She even helped open some of her presents (and tried eating the wrapping paper). She got a new big toybox that we put in the living room for her, a rocking horse, a Minnie Mouse scooter car (her favorite) and lots of other toys and clothes... she is a lucky girl!

As for the pregnancy, we are doing great!! I felt movement for the first time last week, so exciting :) I think I've gained about 8-10 lbs so far... I'm surprised I haven't gained 30 with all of the eating I've been doing. I'm seriously so hungry... I can't eat enough. I eat breakfast right before I leave at 7:30, and by 10, I need to eat! Hungry child :) I have an appointment in a week, and I'll get the ultrasound scheduled then where we will find out the gender!

I decided to start the Bible 1-Year Reading Plan... almost through Genesis! I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I have never read the Bible cover to cover. I've read many chapters of it, but never straight through. So far, I have loved it... it is really filling to just sit down and spend time in God's word. I am also reading a devotional every morning that my good fried Stacey gave me that was written by Joan Horner, the co-founder of Premier Designs Jewelry... and it is wonderful! So glad I'm adding more God to my daily life. Being filled helps me be joyful and stay positive throughout my day.

So incredibly thankful and blessed!