Monday, July 16, 2012

Claire: 4 Months

Our beautiful baby girl is 4 months old already! She is such a great baby... Doesn't cry very often, and when she does, I can usually console her pretty quickly. She is a great napper, and is sleeping through the night most nights. She is starting to push up on her feet and knees... I wonder if she will be crawling soon? She grabs everything in sight. She likes to grab my face when I am feeding her, so cute :) She also loves to yank on my hair. It has been up a lot more lately :) She is making all sorts of new sounds, mostly Oooooo's and Ahhhh's, with some Ma's and Ba's thrown in there every once in awhile. She looks my way when I say her name. She is SO squirmy... this baby will not stay still!

We took a quick trip up to the cabin in the UP this weekend. Claire hasn't been quite as fond of long car rides lately. I think she doesn't like being strapped down... she just wants to move. But we got through it. We have shots later today... not looking forward to those, but they are for the best. She is such a strong and healthy girl, we have been blessed!

I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight-YES! Last month I was only about 2 lbs over, but it feels great to be back to normal. I'm definitely not as toned as I was before, but I can work on that :)

I have to go back to work in about a month.... It is going to be so hard to leave Claire. I just keep remembering that Cassie will be watching her and she will only be a few miles down the road. Plus, when Ben gets his lay-off for the winter, she will get to be home with him. I believe this is what is best for our family... for now anyways. Only God knows what the future holds :)

Update after doc visit: Claire did great at the doctor's... she weighted in at 14 lbs 2 oz and is 26". Back in the 97% for her height! She did much better with this round of shots... Only screamed for about 3 seconds and didn't have a reaction this time :)