Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Claire: 6 Months!

6 months already!!! Wow, time has flown. Claire is doing so great... I'm such a happy momma. Last month (about 5 to 5 1/2 months) she started crawling everywhere. Not quite up on her hands and knees yet, but she is army-crawling all over the house. We really need to watch her more closely now since she can be across the house and chewing on a shoe within a minute. She is still super-active. Won't sit still unless she is asleep :) Whenever we go on stroller rides, she always has one or both feet up on the tray infront of her. Cracks me up!

At her 6 month appointment, she weighs 16 lbs and is 27" long! 55% for weight and 90% for height. Perfect :) Shots weren't so fun... but we managed.

She is eating usually 3 servings of solids a day. We have fed her zucchini, apples, and avacado so far along with the rice cereal. Just started squash too a couple of days ago, and she likes it! Love the Baby Bullet. So easy to make her food, and it saves $ and is healthy for her. She has been sleeping all night! Sometimes she gets up once sometime between 3 and 5, but the last several nights she has slept from 9pm til 7 or 8am. Can't beat that.

The transition of Ben staying home now while I go back to work has went quite smoothly. It is still very hard for me to be away from her, but its so nice knowing she is home with her Daddy :)

We have been busy almost every weekend between going to the U.P. and Harrison, or weddings and other events going on. Hunting season is pretty much here, so Ben will be occupied with that for the next couple of months. Overall, things are great at the Yost household... so blessed :)