Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jacob- 5 Months

Our sweet little boy is now 5 months old! He's growing up so fast.

Jake is a pretty happy baby. Also a pretty fussy baby. He's happy whenever I am holding him... always. Many times when I lay him down, he starts fussing. If I put him in the swing to nap and he isn't quite tired enough to fall asleep, he will cry if he can't see me. If I sit next to him, he's usually fine... but the second I walk away, he starts screaming. Such a mamma's boy! He does pretty well when I put him in the jumper. He usually stays in there for 10-15 minutes before he wants out. I hold him a LOT. He is just as happy as can be when he is being held. Not so much while I'm sitting down on the couch... but standing :) My back has been sore lately... Trying to find other ways to keep this boy happy too!

He is growing great. He wears 6 months clothes now (and poops on them daily).  We are still exclusively nursing, but I think I am going to try rice cereal soon. We started Claire when she was about 5 months. The recommendation is now to wait as close to 6 months as possible... but just a year ago "they" said 4 months was fine. So I think we'll give it a try soon :)

Jake loves to pull my hair, and his sissy's hair when he gets the chance. He laughs like crazy when I tickle him :) He also loves when I lift him into the air, and give him lots of kisses. He has the sweetest little laugh :) Claire still gets along with him great! She is doing wonderful as well. Her new favorite things are eating dog food and taking off all of her clothes and running around butt-naked. She's talking so well now and can tell me what she wants most of the time. It's incredible how fast they learn!

We have 10 1-week old puppies in the house as well! They are so cute. A little stinkey, but so cute! We already have new owners for 5 of them! Loving having pups :)

Jacob 5 Months

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