Friday, October 25, 2013

Jacob- 4 Months

Jacob is now a happy 4 month old baby boy :) He is growing great and is pretty easy for the most part. We still aren't sleeping through the night... Usually 3-4 hours. A couple nights ago he went 5 hours, but right back to the 3-4 the next night. We have the babywise routine down perfect during the day... he just gets hungry at night. I'm thinking about adding a little rice cereal to a pumped bottle at night to see if that helps. He only takes bottles when he's away from me or when we're on the road, but he usually does pretty well with them. The doc said we could try it, even though they recommend waiting as close to 6 months as possible. I started Claire on it at about 5 months, so I think he'll be ok. Just need a little something extra to fill him up at night!

Other than not sleeping great at night yet, he's doing great. He started rolling over at 15 weeks. He first rolled front to back, and then not even an hour later, he rolled back to front! He's been a rolling machine ever since :) I think he has been capable of it for awhile, he just had to figure out how to get his arm out of the way. He can hold his head up very well now, and does baby push-ups too :) He smiles and laughs a lot... and he is very ticklish! He giggles like crazy when I tickle his sides. So sweet! He also thinks it's hilarious when I change his clothes :)

Claire has continued to do great with him. She often will say "HI BABY!" when she sees him... and she recently did it in church when we brought her up from nursery for communion. It was quiet, and most of the church heard and started laughing :) Lately, she has figured out how to take her pants off... and loves to do it. Of course, I always think back to the poopy crib incident last month which makes me want her pants right back on! We've been wearing jeans on her a lot lately, which are harder for her to get off :) She has temper tantrums once in awhile, but nothing too horrible. I can put her in her crib for a 5 minute time-out and then she's usually fine right after. She's a great little girl most of the time!

Ben is working hard on the garage! About half of the concrete has been poured. We will get 2 more loads, and then start working on the walls. I've had to help him a few times with screwing in 2x4s to giant 6x6 20' and 24' poles... and did some concrete work the other day. I guess I'm learning all about the construction process! Can't wait til it's done. It has snowed a few times already, and I can't wait to have a garage to park my car. Speaking of car, I've been looking to get a new one. Possibly a GMC Acadia. My mom has been looking on salvage auction sites where cars have been in accidents and they sell for cheap. A guy at her work fixes them up... so we're looking for one with not a lot of damage at a great deal. We could really use a vehicle with a third row! My Equinox is just getting too small, especially when we have it loaded up with stuff. Haley is due in less than a month! Pretty sure she is pregnant... She hardly ate for a couple days until I started putting canned dog food mixed in with her normal stuff. It's also looking like some milk is coming in! Can't wait for some pups!!

Jacob 4 Months

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