Friday, April 12, 2013

30 Weeks!

I have been a bit behind on updating my blog with baby boy info.... but honestly, we have just been so busy lately! It's hard to find time to fit everything in, and blog updating went on the back burner. Oh well... that's life! Anyways, we are now 30 weeks along with only 10 to go! This pregnancy is definitely flying by. Much more so than my pregnancy with Claire. My guess for that would be because I have a 1 year old to chase around :)

Pregnancy is going great! This little boy is super active and likes jabbing me in the ribs (and bladder!). It's funny how his movements are different than Claire's. Sometimes he moves rapidly, almost like shaking... I asked my doc about this and she said it's totally normal. She said it's a reflex that happens sometimes when they get startled and they are trying to grab on to you. Kinda cool :) Nothing I was concerned about, was just curious. I came in high on my glucose screen, so I had to do the 3 hour test again... not fun. This time, I ate a TON of food before I went to bed, so I didn't get nauseous like I did last time. The 4 pokes weren't fun, but I survived. Passed the test :)

A nasty cold swept through our household last week. We were in Harrison over Easter weekend, and I think Claire picked it up from one of her cousins. When we got home, she was fussy with a really snotty nose and a cough. She got a fever too and puked on me once (while I was changing a poopy, that was fun!)... poor girl. Motrin did great keeping her fever down. I ended up getting the cold soon after, and we are both still recovering. Seems like it is lasting quite a bit longer than normal right now, and my doc said that's due to pregnancy. Longer recovery and harsher cold. Oh, then Ben got it too... he ended up coming home from work Wednesday to sleep. He's down in GR all week, so it was really nice to have him home. I also had a snow/ice day (yes, on April 10th!) so it was nice to be able to spend the day together at home, even if we were all sick. We are all nearing the end of it, so should be back to normal soon! Claire was a trooper through her cold... she definitely had her fussy moments, but wasn't bad at all. Was super cuddly, which I loved :)

Starting to think about getting ready for baby boy's arrival! We definitely need an addition soon, hopefully we will get it done this fall. Just a garage with an attic upstairs for storage... so I can move Claire into her room to open up the nursery. Looking forward to that :)

Enjoying every little moment right now... I know kids grow so fast! Claire is starting to say a few words now... she says hi and bye and waves, and will try her best to repeat words when you say them... like apple :) When you say, Claire, what's a sheep say? She goes, BAAA! Cow? MOOO! So cute :) She's getting so smart. Loving life and enjoying every moment!!!

26 Weeks

28 Weeks

30 Weeks

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