Monday, February 6, 2012

35 Weeks

We had the baby shower for my side of the family and our church family yesterday, and it was great! There were about 35 ladies there and we had lots of great food :) The Noah's Ark theme was awesome! My Mom got these really cool Noah's Ark birdhouses as prizes, and the cake was great. I got a lot of wonderful gifts, including many diapers which I greatly appreciate :)

35 weeks today. Wow. I am happy to report that my back has been feeling better lately. Knock on wood, because the back pain could return at any moment. Maybe my back muscles are getting stronger and used to carrying all of this extra weight. I still wake up uncomfortable sometimes and have to re-adjust. I've been using an extra pillow to help prevent me from rolling on to my back which seems to cause those crazy leg cramps... I'm retaining water and am a bit swollen in my legs and hands. I've had a few people tell me that means I'm going to have her early- but who really knows! I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I'll ask then. I haven't had much heartburn... a couple of times, but it was very mild and a tums took care of it right away.  No other real symptoms right now. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good!

Baby girl is fully developed and is putting on weight now. Probably somewhere between 5 and 6 lbs, and somewhere around 18 inches long.

She has the hiccups right now :)

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