Last week at the doctor's, I saw Dr. Wright and he said he estimates she will be about 8-8.5 lbs. That is what the ultrasound said at 29 weeks, so that prediction is the same. I hope we go earlier than later! That's one good-sized baby girl.
Pretty sure she's dropped. I felt a noticeable difference in her position when I got up this morning. I can't really feel her feet up in my ribs as much as before... and I just feel kind of different. I weighed myself this morning and I was down about 5 lbs from a couple days ago... weird. 28 lb gain according to my scale this morning, and last week I was was at a 34 lb gain. Maybe I'm not retaining water as much as I was before? I certainly haven't been eating any less.
So Ben got super-sick yesterday with some sort of flu-bug... I did get my flu-shot so I should be ok, I hope. Like I said, felt a little funny this morning so I really hope I'm not getting whatever he had! It hasn't gotten any worse since I woke up, so I think I'm ok. I'm usually really hungry when about 10:30 rolls around and I need a snack, but not today. Not feeling hungry like usual. Maybe this is the "feeling-funny" thing that happens before labor starts?! Or it could be because she dropped and there things have moved around in there? She has been moving like crazy so far today... more than normal. Who knows :)
2/28 update- Ended up feeling pretty sick last night... must have caught Ben's stomach bug. Thankfully it only lasted about 5-6 hours and then I started feeling better. I didn't have it as bad as Ben (wasn't puking) but still. Feeling pretty good today-pretty much back to normal.
Can't wait to meet her... and I have this feeling that is going to be sooner rather than later.
Side note--- If she is born on Wednesday, she will have a Leap Day Birthday!
38 Weeks... Woah baby!