Monday, September 30, 2013

Jacob-3 Months!

Our sweet baby boy is 3 months old already! He's growing so fast. He's smiling and laughing a lot! I have to hold this boy quite a bit-he is definitely a mamma's boy right now. If he's fussy, he usually wants me. He still gets reflux once in awhile and has screaming sessions. I can usually calm him down pretty quick though :)

Jake is not sleeping thorough the night yet... Right when he turned 8 weeks, he started sleeping for 7 hours straight, but that only lasted a few nights. He went right back to the 3 hour schedule... and he's still there. Sometimes he wakes up after 2 hours... makes for a long night for me. We go by the Babywise schedule pretty well, but the nighttime thing just isn't happening yet. Thankfully he only eats for about 5 minutes and then he goes right back to sleep. I try holding the paci in his mouth, but after 10 minutes of that, I just give up and feed him. I should probably start letting him fuss it out longer.

Ben just started building our new garage! SO excited.  It will be 930 square feet, plus 930 square feet upstairs for storage. So much more room! Can't wait to move all of the stuff out of our back bedroom and move Claire in there so we can move Jake into the nursery. I know I will struggle again moving him out of my room... but he will probably start sleeping better once we do.

Ben is working in Clare right now, so we have been able to go stay down in Harrison with him during the week. It has been great! Lots of packing and unpacking for me each week, but it's worth it.

Oh... we bred Haley too! Should be getting a litter of puppies at the end of November!!!

Jacob 3 Months

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Claire- 18 Months!

Our sweet little girl is 18 months! She is growing up so fast. Life has definitely been busier with 2 little ones in the house!

Claire is such a blessing and a wonderful big sister! She is so nice to Jake (95% of the time) and loves to give him kisses. She always gives me his paci whenever she finds it :) She has only acted jealous a few times when I went to nurse him... but most of the time she just goes off and plays with her millions of toys. She's a great eater... has been trying to use forks lately. Also just started using plates, which she does very well with! She loves to wipe whatever is in her hands into her hair... makes for some fun hair-styles :) She loves wearing my shoes around the house (Ben's occasionally too)... so fun to watch... Especially when she wears my high-heels! We have been transitioning into using a sippy-cup, which results in melt-downs once in awhile. I still give her a ba-ba in the morning.

She's learning new words constantly. It's funny how I will know what she is saying but anyone else would have no clue. Like Gum-Gum= Grandma. Boo-Boo=Blueberry. Ca-Ca=Cracker. She's getting good pronouncing Thank You (Take-You) and Please (Pease)... and of course Mama and Dada. Whenever she sees a cat, she yells, CAT!!! Cracks me up. When she sees a dog, she goes Ruff-Ruff! It's incredible how fast they learn. She's also a great little dancer when music comes on :) She loves to tackle Dada and laughs so hard when it's tickle time :) She can point to most body parts when you ask her to. She's a great sleeper and asks to go Nu-Night. Whenever she asks for something, she says Pease? and then gives me a kiss.... makes it impossible to say no! Thankfully so far she only asks for baba's, cups, and ca-ca's. She really enjoys tearing apart all of her books... and I was going to share a diaper story here, but I'll leave that for when she's older :)

It's impossible to explain how much love I have for my sweet girl. Sure, sometimes she will throw a screaming fit while the baby is also screaming and definitely test my patience.... but thankfully those instances are rare. She is so full of love and happiness, and I feel so lucky to be her Mama :)

Claire and Jake

Jake, Claire and Dada with his 275 lb bear!