Saturday, December 29, 2012

Baby #2 on the way!!!

Surprise!!! Baby Yost #2 is on the way... due sometime in June! On October 27 I decided to take a test just for fun. Well... it was a positive!!! I really had no idea, since my cycle hadn't returned yet. I just thought, what if....

We told our family and a few close friends. We wanted to keep it quiet until we went to the doctor. My first appointment was a couple days ago, Dec 27. We had the ultrasound first. The measured me at 14 wks 5 days, which put my due date on June 19! I guessed I was around 14 weeks, so I wasn't too far off :) The ultrasound tech gave us a guess on the gender, but she said it was very early yet, so we are keeping that quiet for now (until the next ultrasound). When I saw the doctor, she said my due date is June 19, give or take 10 days! So I could really have this baby any time in June... Since I never got my cycle back, it is hard to determine exactly how far along I am.

I have been feeling pretty good this time! I felt sick maybe 3 or 4 times total... and I think those times were either because I wasn't eating enough or ate something that didn't agree with me (orange juice). Much different pregnancy this time so far as far as the sickness... and I've been STARVING. I was hungry a lot with Claire too, but I feel like I need to be eating constantly. Tired too, but that's to be expected. I usually go to bed right after I put Claire down at 9. Not really showing yet, but some of my jeans are starting to feel snug.

So, they're going to be about 15 months apart. Yikes?? It's going to be a challenge for sure, but I've heard great things about kids close in age. Hopefully they'll be bff's :) Plus, Claire won't really know what it's like to be the only child, so there shouldn't be much jealousy going on. I am excited!!!


Baby Y #2

Monday, December 17, 2012

Claire: 9 Months!

Our sweet baby girl is now 9 months old! She is doing so great... She is cruising all over the place. She pulls herself up on just about anything with no problem (including the Christmas Tree branches...) and walks all along the furniture. She occasionally lets go and can stand on her own for around 5 seconds! I don't think it will be long before she is taking her first steps! She is also crawling up on all 4's now instead of army-crawling.

Her first tooth popped through about 3 weeks ago! She acted fussy a couple days before it broke through, but that was it with the fussiness... I had to get up with her for a couple nights when she woke up crying. I felt her first tooth on November 24th :) Shortly after that, the second one on the bottom came in. So, we now have 2 tiny bottom teeth! She loves to chew on anything she can get in her mouth... including paper, dog food, and needles she pulls off our fake Christmas tree. She LOVES the organic puffs. Can't feed her enough of those.

Claire is still eating great. Not many changes since last month... still eating mostly rice cereal, avacado, squash, carrots, apples, bananas... I'll occasionally give her a small chuck of bread. I'm sure we'll be expanding in that department soon. She is on pretty much all formula now. I still pump at night and give her what I can, but it's only about an ounce... Will probably be stopping pumping all together soon. She does great with the formula, thankfully.

My biggest challenge with her is changing her clothes and diaper! She will NOT sit still. She immediately wants to flip over and hop up on her knees when I lay her down to change her. Really fun when she has a big poopy. I'm guessing this isn't going to get easier any time soon... oh well!

SO excited for her first Christmas :) We are blessed to have amazing families to spend it with! We will head down to Harrison this weekend and stay there through Christmas Eve. We're having a get-together at Grandma Jones' one night, and then Mimi and Papa's big event on Christmas Eve. Always a wonderful time :) We'll head back home after that and go to Christmas Eve service at our church... We'll open gifts at home Christmas morning and then head over to my parent's to spend rest of the morning/afternoon with them. We'll head to my Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner... It will be a busy few days, but we love our families and love spending time with them! That's all for now... Hope everyone has a very blessed Christmas! Remember the reason-JESUS!