We had her 2 month check-up (and shots...) on Wednesday. She weighs 11 lbs 8oz and is 24 1/4 inches long. 41.2 head circumference. 95% for height, 75% for weight and 94% for head size... we have a big girl! Her vaccination shots weren't so fun. I'm glad Ben was there with me. She was not a happy camper... when we got home she napped and Ben left for work. When she woke up she was screaming like she did when she got her shots and felt fever-ish. I gave her some Tylenol and she eventually calmed down. Breaks my heart when she cries like that :( That was Wednesday... last night she had a rough spell again and we had a hard time getting to sleep. She kept crying and crying, which is so unlike her. She is usually very consolable... I'm pretty certain it was from the shots. I've heard the 2 month shots are the worst, and they do better for the next 2 sets. She finally went to sleep about 11:30, and slept... ALL NIGHT!!! First time ever. I was so excited when she woke up at 7:30. I'm not sure if it was because she wore herself out from all of the screaming and crying, or she's just ready to sleep at night now. Before tonight, she usually wakes up every 3-4 hours. Once she went 6, but that was the most until last night. Let's hope this can continue :)
She is doing really great with her development. She has been smiling away for about a month now, and her noises are changing almost every day! All sorts of new coo's... and I swear yesterday when she was "talking" to me, it sounded like she said "I love you!" haha... more like ahh-woo-vuu.... but still, melted my heart :) Her skwaks are starting to sound like laughs... she is holding her head up great now, and bears all of her weight when I hold her standing up. It's truly amazing watching her grow and develop so fast!
Ben is still working down in Mecosta this week. Unfortunately, he's working nights. Fortunately, this is his last week there. He gets to start a job right by Torch Lake next week, so he gets to come home every night!!! This makes me very happy :) I hope it is a long-lasting job!
I'm already dreading having to go back to work.... I mean, I miss everyone at my job and I really do enjoy what I do, but not being with my baby all day is going to be SO hard. It makes me feel better knowing that when Ben gets done working sometime in October, he will be home with her all day. We have about 2 months where we both are working. I'm pretty sure we are going to take her to Chuck and Cassie's while I'm working which makes me feel better knowing she will be with family. They also live just a few miles from the school, so I won't be far away at all. We'll see how that goes... and I'm very happy about all of the time I did get off.
We are dedicating Claire to the Lord on Sunday :) Greatly looking forward to it... We are beyond blessed!
2 Months
First Mother's Day :)