Monday, January 30, 2012

34 Weeks

The end is coming quickly. 34 weeks.... Oh so close! Due in 6 weeks, and full term in 3! Baby should be close to 5 lbs and about 18 inches long. She would be just fine if she were to be born this early, which is great to know.... although a few more weeks in there would be better! Feeling pretty cramped lately, and sleeping sure isn't getting any easier. I'm glad Ben is a good sleeper and I don't wake him up very often tossing and turning and getting up 4X a night.

The baby shower for our side of the family is this Sunday, so excited!

I am so ready to become a Mom :)
34 Weeks

Monday, January 23, 2012

33 Weeks

Enjoying an extended weekend with an ice day! Had a wonderful past few days. Friday we headed down to Harrison when I got home from work, and Saturday was my first baby shower :) It was beautiful... pink cupcake themed and the decorations were so cute. The food was awesome, and I got a TON of great gifts. Ben's family is seriously great :) We came back home after the shower and got almost everything put away. Ben assembled the swing, pack-and-play and automatic bouncer. He did a great job :)

33 weeks... due in 7 and full term in 4. CRAZY. I'm ready to be done with the back pain... it has been getting worse lately and its difficult to get comfortable at night. Ben gives me great back rubs all the time which helps. Still having a little sternum pain when I move a certain way, not sure if that is pregnancy related or not... but it's bearable. I finally had to take my wedding/engagement ring off last night :( It made me sad, but I'm afraid the swelling in my hands is only going to get worse. There have been several times I couldn't get my ring off and my finger started turning purple! I don't want to have to get it cut off or anything... so I guess I'm going to wear my fake ring now. It's bigger and doesn't leave a big indent on my finger like my wedding ring does :) The crazy pregnancy dreams continue, but I'll spare the strange details.


Monday, January 16, 2012

32 Weeks

I am currently enjoying the last day of my 4-Day weekend! We had a snow day on Friday and no school today for MLK day. Loved this break. I did a massive house cleaning on Friday while Ben worked out in his shed. That evening, we went out to dinner at Red Lobster and went bowling with some great friends :)  It was so nice to get out- it has been awhile. Stacey gave me a book called On Being Babywise and so far I love it! Read half of it last night, and I'll probably finish it today. It is about how to get your baby to sleep through the night by the time they're 8 weeks old. It makes so much sense, and I'm so glad to know this stuff. Saturday we made a trip to Menards and we got a new kitchen sink (my old one was impossible to clean) and Ben got it installed yesterday after church. I'm so lucky to have such a handy husband :)

SO, 32 weeks.... Due in 8, full term in 5. Time seems to be going faster. Still feeling good. I think I pulled something in my back while bowling... but the soreness went away after a day. I've surprisingly haven't had any back pain the past 2 days. Maybe straining it during bowling helped?! :) I've gained about 25 lbs so far... sounds kinda scary to me, but I'm still in the normal range. At my doc's appointment she said I was on track, but I shouldn't gain TOO much more. She said if our baby stays on the same pace, she will be about 8 lbs if we go til the due date. That's a decent sized little girl!

We have the first baby shower this upcoming Saturday in Harrison. I'm so excited! 2 weeks after that, we have my family/church friends shower, and 2 weeks after that is my friend's shower being thrown by Jenny :) Then I'm full term!!! Lots of exciting times coming up :)

32 Weeks

              28 Weeks                                        32 Weeks

Monday, January 9, 2012

31 Weeks

Due in 9 weeks, full term in 6.... WOAH. Still feeling pretty good for the most part. Getting bigger but I don't feel "huge" yet. Dealing with the typical back pain and waking up about 3 times every night to go to the bathroom. The movement and kicking is getting more intense every day... sometimes I'll have to re-position myself with those kicks to the ribs! The kicks to the bladder aren't very fun, but I still enjoy most of the other ones. She's kicking up a storm as I type right now :)

My first shower is in less than 2 weeks! Saturday 1/21 is my first one down in Harrison thrown by Ben's family. They are doing a pink cupcake theme. I'm sure it will be super cute! We're going to do a Noah's Ark theme for our side of the family and church friends. I'm sorta helping out my Mom with some fun ideas... I can't wait!

I have my next doc's appointment Wednesday, and I have to go in every 2 weeks from here on out. I think they make them every week in your last month. Relieved my glucose test came back good... so we have no worries at this point. I just keep praying that everything continues to go well :)

We threw a party for my Dad for his 50th Birthday on Saturday. It was really great to see that whole side of the family again, and a lot of our good friends showed up. Even though I was ready for bed by 10:00, we had a blast!

Monday, January 2, 2012

30 Weeks

10 weeks left til the due date!!! And in 7 weeks I'll be full term... it's coming quickly! Right now, babies average 15.7 inches and almost 3 lbs. Our baby estimated at 3 lbs 6oz last week, so she's a tad above the average. Our doc said everything was right on track :)

Sleeping has become an increasing challenge. It is pretty hard for me to get comfortable. It helps a bit when I use a pillow to support my back, but I still wake up several times in the night needing to re-adjust. I guess it's just something I'm going to have to deal with until she comes!

My glucose screen came back a bit high, so I had to go back in for a 3 hour gestational diabetes test... UGH. I had to eat extra sugar/carbs for 3 days and then fast for 8 hours before the test. I went in for that this morning. They drew my blood right when I got there, then I had to drink the gross orange glucose drink (double the concentration than the last one) and wait an hour, draw, wait an hour, draw, wait an hour, draw... So 4 blood draws in 3 hours. Not a fan of getting my  blood drawn at all, but the lady at the lab in Kingsley was super nice and it wasn't TOO bad... I started feeling pretty sick a bout a half hour after I drank the bottle of orange sugar syrup and almost wanted to puke. Thankfully that feeling went away after about another half hour. If I would have puked, I would have had to go home and start over again... so thankfully I didn't. My arm is pretty sore right now, but I survived. My wonderful husband brought me a warm sandwich and some snacks when he came to pick me up :)

Back to work tomorrow... It has been so great having almost 2 weeks off for Christmas Break. I was able to get a lot done around the house and I feel that everything is set up well for the baby's arrival! The room is pretty much set up with the crib, dresser, and glider chair/ottoman. I just need to put up the decorations when the nursery set comes and possibly the changing table... other than that, the room is good to go!

Quite disappointed in this "blizzard" we were supposed to get. So far, we have about 4 inches, and they were calling for 10-20". I guess we could still see some tonight, but I'm not counting on it...

1/3 Update: So, it snowed a lot last night and we got a snow day :) I still went into work after I slept in for a couple hours though... AND, my glucose test came back and I do NOT have gestational diabetes! :)

30 Weeks